Gemini Sagittarius axis

Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter is known as the great wise teacher. Their advice is practical and built on experience. They’re able to pick things up quickly and feel like they need to spread a message. The ideal grandparent. Or person to raise a child. Diverse interest and talents. Sagittarius is the lifelong teacher. Dispersing wisdomContinueContinue reading “Gemini Sagittarius axis”

Lessons from Tarot : 5 of Swords

The 5 of Swords represents victory that leaves a bitter aftertaste. A little like marmalade. Or unsweetened coffee.🍮🍩 It’s definitely not something everyone appreciates.Unlike unsweetened coffee, this can represent a souring of relationshios due to your refusal to yield to the other person’s Point of view 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♂️ you may win the fight/ job/ argument, butContinueContinue reading “Lessons from Tarot : 5 of Swords”